Wool Week Spree Raises Funds

There is nothing like a Wool Week “Spree” for involving visitors in Shetland life. This week the Shetland Textile Museum handed over £577.50 to the MRI Scanner Appeal from their “Spree” held at the Sound Hall. “It was a great party with plenty of food and music,” said organiser Barbara Cheyne.

Fellow event organiser Hazel Tindall agreed, “The visitors loved the dancing and there were plenty of Shetland people to guide them with the dances on the night.” Most of the donations on for the MRI Scanner Appeal collected on the night came from Wool Week visitors to Shetland.

Handing over the cheque are, from left, Hazel Tindall,  James Neilson (a trustee of the museum) Derek Hart (MRI Scanner Appeal fundraising manager) and Barbara Cheyne (also a trustee).

Posted on 12th December 2019 in News, Donation, Fundraising

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