Posted on 11th December 2019 in News, Donation, Fundraising A big thank-you goes to the Shetland Weight Training Club which has deposited £430 for the MRI Scanner Appeal – money raised at the door from the Strongest Man competition held in August.
Posted on 6th December 2019 in News Island Medics Series 3 will be broadcast by BBC through the winter with Shetland’s emergency team at the Gilbert Bain Hospital in the limelight once more. For the first time the popular reality show, which focuses on the lives of several NHS Shetland staff, moves out of A&E for some episodes to focus on other parts of the hospital.
Posted on 6th December 2019 in News, Donation, Business Thank-you so much to Zander Simpson, his daughter Rona, and the team at Shetland Maritime Ltd for their donation of £2000!!
Posted on 5th December 2019 in News, Donation, Fundraising A massive thanks goes to Shaun Simpson from Whalsay who has released a new CD “Oldies but Goldies” which is being sold for #ShetlandMRI.
Posted on 12th November 2019 in News, Fundraising The MRI Scanner Appeal has passed the half-million pound mark and is now almost one third of the way to reaching the final goal of £1.65m.