Posted on 19th April 2019
in News, Event, Fundraising
At the beginning of April, 54 staffers from the NHS Shetland team took part in the Peerie Paddle to raise money for the MRI Scanner.
Posted on 1st April 2019
in News, Donation, Fundraising
Ian Cumming and his daughter, Jan, from Scalloway, dropped off a cheque at the NHS Shetland head-office for £2668.20 recently – a donation for the MRI Scanner Appeal!
Posted on 28th March 2019
in News, Donation
The Hospital Saturday Fund has made a donation of £2,000 towards the Shetland MRI Scanner Appeal – bringing the project one step closer to its goal.
Posted on 27th March 2019
in News, Donation, Fundraising
In recent years the late George Terris and his cat, Leo, were well known in Cunningsburgh – despite George being very reserved and Leo having, well… a feline disposition. Their walks ended when George took ill and died shortly after on March 3rd.
Posted on 22nd March 2019
in News, Donation, Fundraising
Audience and Drama Group raise £500 for MRI Scanner